John Walker became a writer when the "someday" dream of writing a book collided with a moment of inspiration.
His ancestors fled persecution in France. Leaving everything behind, eventually making their way to Maryland, then Ohio.
They took slaves from Maryland and helped them gain freedom.
He realized their story needed to be told, so he began to write.
Short Bio
Christian Suspense Author John Matthew Walker is a physician and author. In his medical practice, his patients are the heroes—each with their own unique story. He is the hero’s guide on their journeys, providing counsel when needed and hope when life seems hopeless and doesn’t make sense.
When he writes, he does the same. His stories delve into the harsh realities of life, and his characters journey through darkness holding onto to the wavering flicker of hope.
In Moonlight Awakens, a young woman is trafficked. She risks everything to escape.
Heartless searches for meaning in lifetimes filled with loss and abuse.
Fire in the Moonlight collides idealism and innocence with extremism and persecution in Northern India.
Each of John Matthew Walker’s stories holds true to his tagline: Suspense That Awakens Hope.
Long Bio
Christian Suspense Author John Matthew Walker writes for critical thinkers who like hard truths and unpredictable twists. He inherited his humor, wit, and discernment from his mother. His father is to blame for his analytical thought and restless curiosity. In John’s early years, his father was a missionary doctor in Africa. When the family returned to the US, his father became a pioneer in emergency medicine as the first full-time ER doctor in Bloomington, Indiana. His father filled their world with stories—countless tales of his youth, Africa, the family farm, and the happenings of the ER. His words and demeanor captured the full attention of all who heard.
Stories and the desire to share them grew into an insatiable passion. John wrote his first story in elementary school—a tall tale about a gorilla. His first positive review came as laughter from his classmates. His desire to write blossomed in seventh grade when his English teacher, Mrs. LuAnne Bucci, asked the principal if she could teach an elective course in creative writing. What a gift! Who would’ve thought the tiny town of Ellettsville, Indiana would offer creative writing in middle school?
Decades later, John dedicates his books to her and his other encouragers.
He’s often asked why he doesn’t write medical mysteries. It could be that he deals with medical problems all day, and needs a break from those thoughts, but the reason goes much deeper. Life’s greatest heartaches stretch far beyond physiology and far beyond self. Our greatest challenges and disappointments come from loss and the threat of loss—broken relationships, unspoken love, disregard, a loved one’s passing, and the loneliness that buries joy.
What those stories need is hope. John’s characters face impossible difficulties, but in the deepest darkness, when hope seems lost, they find the strength to press on. However thin that strand of hope may be, they hang on with everything they’ve got, and they discover that hope endures and overcomes.
John Matthew Walker weaves intricate stories that entice, tantalize, and test the mind.
If you enjoy solid storytelling that makes you think while keeping you engaged, Heartless was written for you.
If your heart beats for those who’ve suffered abuse and disregard while never giving up, Moonlight Awakens belongs on your to-be-read list.
Fire in the Moonlight is for anyone moved by the suffering of those persecuted for their faith. Fragmented true stories blend with fiction and the supernatural to share the hurt and the hope of those impacted by horrifying events that occurred in Northern India in 2008. It is a powerful read.
Tiny Blush of Sunlight awakens lost realities of the most painful period in American history—slavery. A young slave witnesses a vengeful murder and runs for his life, but he is a slave and has nowhere to run until he finds an unlikely friend.
All of John Matthew Walker’s novels share the common thread of hope smoldering like coals beneath a pile of ashes. All seems lost. The fire has gone out, and there is no longer any smoke. Warmth and light have faded, but one thrust with a stick, one small piece of wood, and sparks erupt. The wood ignites and everything has changed. The fire returns with its warmth and light.
So it is, with Suspense That Awakens Hope.
John hopes to practice medicine for as long as his mind and body cooperate, and he wishes the same for his writing.
Thank you for following his story.
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